
We are a family of four living in a beautiful and quiet countryside located in the northern mountain of Kyoto and enjoying rural lifestyle.

We run a very small-scale organic farm of rice and vegetables, growing rice on 1 ha (1 cho, about 2.5 acres) paddy field and vegetables on 0.4 ha (4 tan, approx. 1 acre). Our produce is for our own table as well as for urban consumers who receive our vegetable boxes regularly. We enjoy selling our produce and homemade food (out of our vegetables/rice) occasionally at the market, and organising workshops to experience traditional way of growing rice (hand planting, hand weeding, and hand harvesting) for urban consumers.

For more information on our farm and daily activities, please see our webpage at “Tagayasiuta Farm”.

We used to be a city boy and girl, but decided to move to this area to enjoy rural lifestyle with clean air and water and fresh food!

We love good and slow food so much. Fresh, tasty and healthy food from our farm to table is what we love the most and find simple but luxurious lifestyle. What we enjoy here is not only our own rice and veggies, but also our home-made miso paste using our own koji bacteria we farmed, umeboshi, pickles, etc.

We started Airbnb, wishing to share our spare space (since our home is big for only 4 of us!!!) with travelers who appreciate slow life, love cultural exchange, expect to meet some foreign-language-speaking Japanese people and learn Japanese traditional and modern culture while traveling in Japan.

Nami, originally from Osaka, has experience in living abroad (Mexico and the Netherlands) and traveling around the world, and speaks fluently Japanese, English, Spanish and Portuguese. She loves vegetables so much, and is fascinated to learn history behind each of veggies and its recipes in different cuisines.

Nao, also from Osaka, is a certified organic farmer and the chairperson for the Association for Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture in Keihoku Area. He is eager to learn organic and sustainable farming from other countries’ experiences.

Both of us love to exchange culture and experiences, and our two beautiful kids aged 7 and 4 love playing in the paddy field, football, and more. We all look forward to meeting new friends, enjoy rural and slow lifestyle with good food together, and learning mutually!
